January 2023

energy & environment
Carbon dioxide in Japan - emission amount

Things that come to one's mind when hearing environments, energy.... that would be green house gas emissions. Today, let's have a look at carbon dioxide emissions.

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energy & environment
How to produce hydrogen - 3

Water electrolysis, water splitting driven by renewable electric power, can contribute to achieving the sustainable society. Its history and overview were summarized in the previous post. This post takes a step ahead, and shall detail the price of hydrogen produced by the water electrolysis.

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energy & environment
How to produce hydrogen - 2

The previous post touched upon the methodes of producing hydrogen (see How to produce hydrogen - 1). "How to produce hydrogen using renewable electricity" - one solution to this challenge is water electrolysis. Most of you supposedly learnt about water electrolysis in high school. This post introduces briefly the water electrolysis, with a bit more details than what you had learnt in the past.

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energy & environment
How to produce hydrogen - 1

Being the most representative energy carrier, hydrogen has been of great focues nowadays. A seires of posts, starting with this one, shall focus on the production of hydrogen; especially this post summarizes how the hydrogen has currently been produced.

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energy & environment
Can renwable power generated in Japan meet the energy demand in Japan?

Ultimately, energy demand needs to be fulfilled by renewable power in a sustainable society. In the case of Japan, is it possible to meet the energy demand only by utilizing renewable energy?

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