Carbon dioxide in Japan - emission amount

Things that come to one's mind when hearing environments, energy.... that would be green house gas emissions. Today, let's have a look at carbon dioxide emissions.

Carbon dioxide emissions in the world

The data and statistics of whole globe are well summarized and available at Our World in Data.[1] For instance, a page named "CO2 emission" in the website[2] displayes the image below:


This figure tells us that annual CO2 emission in the world amounts to approximately 35 billion ton. This value is too large to readily understand. Its break-down indicates the main contributors are China, India, Americ. "Asia excl. China & India" woud include Japan.

Carbon dioxide emissions in Japan

Overall emission of carbon dioxide in Japan is available at the aforementioned website,[1,2] but now we take a deeper look at the emission in Japan. Such data in Japan are well addresssed by "Greenhouse Gas Inventory" by National Institute for Environmental Studies.[3] Using the available data therein, the figure below illustrate the origin of carbon dioxide emission in Japan.

The total value of carbon dioxide emission ammounts to 1.2 billion in Japan, comprising energy conversion of 39.2%, industry of 25.2%, and transportation of 17.9%. The largest if electric power generation of 35.7%. Of note, the value here is "before electricity and heat distribution".

Many sectors emit carbon dioixe. To achieve the carbon-neutrality, efforts across multi-sectors would be necessary. Future posts shall look into such efforts.


  1. Our World in Data, (accessed on 2022/02/21)
  2. Our World in Data, "CO2 emissions by region", (accessed on 2022/02/21)
  3. 国立研究開発法人 国立環境研究所, 温室効果ガスインベントリ, (accessed on 2022/02/15)

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