Power generation mix in countries

The power generation mix means the composition of electric power generation by types of power generation methods such as thermal, nuclear, wind, hydro, and so on (see Energy conversion involved in generation of electric power). This post highlights quantitatievly the difference in the mix among countries, and the reason behind the difference.

Power generation mix in various countries

Firstly, we see quantitatively the variations of power generation mix in representative countrires.

Regarding power generation in Japan, the agency for natural resources and energy in Japan reports the electric power generation in Japan,[1] and compares it with the data of foreign countries.[2] Let us have a look at such data to see in detail the difference. The figure below was prepared using the data from the agency for natural resources and energy in 2017.


* Sorry that the figure is in Japanese, but will be translated into English.
原子力:nuclear, 天然ガス:natural gas, 石油:oil, 石炭:coal, 水力:hydro, 再生可能:renewable
日本:Japan, ドイツ:Germany, イギリス:UK, フランス:France, アメリカ:USA, カナダ:Canada, 中国:China

In Japan, the thermal power with fossil fuels (=natural gs + oil + coal) constitute 80.9% of the mix. The composition of the nuclear power peaked out in 2011, then gradually decreased to 3.1% in 2017. The rest, 16%, is accounted for by renewable + hydroelectric power.
* As a future target, Japan aims at the composition of nuclear power at 20-22%, and renewable (including hydroelectric) at 36-38 in the 6th Strategic Energy Plan.[3]

Regarding power mix in foreign countries, Germany and UK achieve as high as 30% composition of renewable energy, while France is characterized by its 70% composition of nuclear power. By looking at these figures, you might consider
"Ohh.. Japan has not progressed yet sufficiently for decarbonization of electric power"
But situation among countries are so different, which you need to know!

Situation in European countries -behind the scene of renewable power

The figure below is adopted from entsoe (the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity), summarizing the network of electric power distribution.[4]


The distribution network reachs the entire region of Europe, connecting the countires.

When introducing the renewable energy facilities, the back-up systems must be carefully considered.

  • What if rainy days continue, after rigorously installing solar power plants?
  • What if windless days continue, after rigorously installing windpower plants?

If you can also install batteries with a significant capacity, you would be able to compenstate some fluctuation in power generation by newable energy sources, but still there exist such risks. Therefore, you may need to keep some thermal or nuclear power plants to buffer it.

On the contrary, as the figure demonstrate, European countries are connected to each other, which allow distribution of electric power from one to another countries. One reason behind the large portion of renwable in power mix could be that France has so much of nuclear power plants.

It is important to know the data, but also the situation behind it.


  1. 経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁, "統計表一覧", https://www.enecho.meti.go.jp/statistics/electric_power/ep002/results.html (accessed on 2022/02/02)
  2. 経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁, "2019—日本が抱えているエネルギー問題(後編)", https://www.enecho.meti.go.jp/about/special/johoteikyo/energyissue2019_2.html (accessed 2020/01/10)
  3. 経済産業省 , "第6次エネルギー基本計画", https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2021/10/20211022005/20211022005-1.pdf (accessed on 2021/11/02)
  4. the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, "Grid Map", https://www.entsoe.eu/data/map/ (accessed on 2022/02/02)

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