fossil fuels

energy & environment
Carbon dioxide in Japan - reduction target

Japan nowadays emits 1.2 billion tones of carbon dioxide annually. Beccause the environmental issues are said to have originagted from the increase in the concentration of green-house gases, goverments put efforts in stopping the increase. This post shares with you the target of reduction in the GHG emission set by the Japannese goverment.

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energy & environment
Carbon dioxide in Japan - emission amount

Things that come to one's mind when hearing environments, energy.... that would be green house gas emissions. Today, let's have a look at carbon dioxide emissions.

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energy & environment
What determines the characteristics of fossil fuels?

When using the fossil fuels or hydrogen as an energy source (e.g., by combusting them to obtain heat), we extract their chemical energy. And, the chemical energy is stored in chemical bonds. Therefore, in so doing, we arrange the bonding of fuel, to obtain the difference of energy stored in reactants and products (see more […]

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energy & environment
How much of energy can be extracted from fossil fuels?

The fossil fuels have been extensively utilized in our society, because they are extremely rich in energy (see Why we rely on fossil fuels?). This post tries to address, then, how much of energy do the fossil fuels possess? The type of energy that fossil fuels have is "chemical energy", which is stored in chemical […]

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energy & environment
Why we rely on fossil fuels?

Our society has been relying on fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal. Why have we relied so much on these fossil fuels?

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