
energy & environment
Can renwable power generated in Japan meet the energy demand in Japan?

Ultimately, energy demand needs to be fulfilled by renewable power in a sustainable society. In the case of Japan, is it possible to meet the energy demand only by utilizing renewable energy?

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energy & environment
Let's use solar energy! How large does the area need to be?

Our society consumes quite large amount of energy, mostly relying on fossil-fuels, and our demand of energy shall keep increasing as a whole. To supply the energy demand in coming future, renewable energy needs to be utilized (see The amount of energy we consume). Thinking of sunlight as a model, one may notice that energy amount depends on the area of irradiation. Let's see in this post how large the area needs to be to supply the energy to the world.

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energy & environment
Issues associated with renewable energy utilization

The expantion of renewable energy utilization is now a common theme globally. However, just keeping to increase installation of renewable energy facilites woud not achive the sustainable circulation of enregy in our society. This post addresses the gap in locations for electric power generation and usage.

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energy & environment
The amount of energy we consume

Human being relies on energy in daily life. Our lives cannot be described without mentioning energy. Have you ever considered how much of energy we consume?

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